About Jay

My wife, daughter, and me on my 30th birthday

(Click here to jump to the Statement of Beliefs)

Hey, I’m Jay.

I did not begin this ministry purely of my own volition. Much to my shame, I in fact fought against the idea of teaching for a long time, but in recent years I’ve begun to see things more clearly. Before I wasn’t entirely convinced that YHWH wanted me to be a teacher, or, at least, that’s what I told myself, but now the Holy Spirit has made it undeniably clear.

Before I started the Jay Elk Show, my wife and many others that know me had told me that I should take on some sort of ministry, but I refused to believe. Even though I felt this thorn in my mind about it, I couldn’t bring myself to believe that I had anything to say that would be of any benefit to anyone. How could I further YHWH’s kingdom? How could I spread the word of Christ Jesus?

Instead I attempted many other avenues in life. I worked various jobs, wrote novels, produced records, went to college, tried my hand in the medical field, but nearly every effort I made was met with an odd and peculiar dead-end that often had very little to do with my own actions. Everything I tried fell apart in unexpected ways. I eventually confided in my wife that I felt like the Apostle Paul trying to enter into Asia. YHWH had something He wanted me to do, so He was making me stumble on my own paths.

How could I further YHWH’s kingdom? How could I spread the word of Christ Jesus? I? Me? Me, me, me. That’s what I’ve realized. It’s not about me; I can’t do anything.

“What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”

1 Corinthians 3:5-9 NIV

I need only share what I know, YHWH will further His kingdom regardless of me, but at least this way I can sleep soundly knowing that I am serving as I should. I do not claim to have all the answers, and in this ministry I will likely be wrong sometimes; I’m imperfect, but I will continue to grow as will my understanding. I wholeheartedly believe that YHWH has blessed me with an uncanny insight into understanding Him and His Son. If you wish to grow and are willing to be challenged then I greatly and warmly encourage you to join me.

I livestream on YouTube, you can catch me there if you would like to interact with me in real time.

This ministry is 100% donation supported. Any content I create will always be free, so please only give if you feel compelled to do so. Thank you.

Statement of Beliefs

This section will only contain my brief thoughts on various aspects of scriptural doctrine. This section will be expanded as time goes on and updated with links to videos where I will eventually cover each topic in much greater detail. If you have any questions about my beliefs that are not covered here, feel free to call or email me, or use the contact form.


I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is YHWH’s Son and that He lived a life free from sin. I believe that He was the only person to do so and, as a result, death had no hold over Him. His life and the surrender of His spirit on the cross, fulfilled the prophecies and the law of the Old Testament, and fulfilled the role of the perfect, sacrificial lamb. Because of this, so long that we believe that Jesus is YHWH’s Son and that His (temporary) death and resurrection alone are enough to save us, then we will have eternal life.

I do NOT believe in a works-based salvation. I do not believe that any work is necessary for salvation, but rather affects the quality of relationship we have with YHWH and Jesus. If one believes that works are necessary for salvation then they must also believe Jesus’ death and resurrection are not enough to save us. I do not agree that we have any power to save ourselves and that salvation lies with our Almighty God alone. In the future, I will discuss this much further.

I do not believe in “once saved always saved.” That is not to say that I believe someone can just “lose” their salvation, but I do believe one can “give up” or “surrender” their salvation. I will get into this much more in the future, but, for now, realize that the basis of our salvation is our faith in Jesus Christ. If we lose that faith for any reason and no longer believe when our life on this plane expires, then what basis is there for our salvation?

The Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit

I do not believe in “modalism” relating to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that the three are wholly distinct entities that exist as a form of, for lack of a better word, “hivemind.” One God, unified in consciousness, character, & heart, existing in three separate beings. There are biblical examples of Jesus and YHWH existing as separate beings simultaneously like in this one. Also, by the very nature of Jesus regularly praying to His Father implies they are separate; He wasn’t praying to Himself.

YHWH Himself has appeared as a physical man on earth a number of times as well to people such as Moses. In Judges chapter 6, YHWH appears to Gideon as a man sitting under some oak. There is no indication at all that this is Jesus other than what people choose to interpret out of it; as opposed to reading it for what it is.

I personally shy away from using the term “Trinity” as well. People have their own definitions and ideas about this and the term invites too much confusion in discussion.

One God, three distinct entities. It’s easy sometimes to forget that because YHWH is GOD and not a human, His physical being is not beset by the same limitations of us meat-sacks.

Hopefully, my explanation of this concept makes sense.

I accept donations to fund this ministry because I believe it is sinful to put anything I have to say in service of YHWH behind a paywall. The Word should be shared freely to any and all who have a desire to hear. I will not hinder your access in any way.

I also believe it is sinful to merchandize anything related to a ministry; at least, it is sinful to charge for it. Every time I had visited a church that had a merch store in it, I always immediately thought of our Messiah angrily kicking over tables. I will not allow my ministry to turn me into a thief. If I ever make something such as shirts, bumper stickers, etc. it will be on my dime and will be given away freely. If ever I write a book, I will likely distribute it to the usual sellers and it will forcibly be for sale on those platforms, but I will always ensure that a free copy will be available to whoever wants it on my site.

If in the course of this ministry, I may slip up and begin to lose sight of these statements, call me out on it! Write me, call me, and tell me what a bonehead I’m being. Hopefully I can serve well and this will never be an issue, but I am just a man and I make many mistakes.

That said, please do not feel obligated to give to me. I will never set upon you an expectation to give. I’m doing this in service of YHWH, not for money. Give freely to my ministry if you feel inclined to do so; I have donation buttons scattered about.

More to come…

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